Self-Actualization Quests Counselling Connecting with Your Authentic Values and Vision as a Leader
Self-Actualization Quests Counselling is for organization leaders who want to get breakthrough, heart-inspired solutions within a leader’s 5 growth formation stages – beginning with the pursuit of a meaningful mission. It is the first stop solution in mining for more meaning as a leader.
The Decade Year Program Strengthening Your Voice and Virtues as a Meaningful Leader
Decade Year Program is a year long, group counselling service for committed IT leaders who want to meaningfully embody an authoritative Voice, an inspiring Vision, and a relentless pursuit of excellence or Virtue – as to accomplish in one year, what many need ten years, or never. It is for the integration of one’s heart, mind and body, upon the essential meaning of your leadership.
The Great Aha! A Feature Documentary Film about the Meaning of Happiness
‘The Great Aha!’ explores what is both the source of our motivations, and what is the cornerstone of our democratic ideals – the pursuit of happiness. Just what is happiness, and how does our maps about happiness drive our ethics, our economics and our ecological choices?
‘The Great Aha!’ is a philosophical documentary which goes deep into the structure of our motivational system, and the impact that different maps about happiness has upon us.
Meaningfully Lead! A New Mindset For How to Realize Peak Engagement, Enrollment & Excellence
‘Meaningfully Lead!’ is a definitive manifesto, for leaders of IT knowledge workers, who seek to tap into the greatest motivational force on Earth, our will to meaning.
This cornerstone publication looks at the heart of meaning itself, and how these ideas can be applied for greater engagement, enrollment and excellence in your organization.