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See the 'Secret Meanings' Films Right Here

Secret Meanings:
How to Recover a Shinning Experience of Being

The father of psychotherapy, Carl Jung, summed up his life work with one ingenious observation:

“People don’t have ideas.
Ideas have people.”

In this free documentary series, we explore some of the most hidden ideas that most often control our thinking, our actions and our well-being, within our current world.

For there are certain ideas that have been conditioned within us that make us confused, powerless, and ultimately unfulfilled… (all while the whole world is shining around us and ‘love is smiling through all things’).
In this eye-opening documentary series you’ll discover:

Secret Meanings:
Volume 1

Volume 1: what ideas has our educational system conditioned us with – so we see the world in a particular way – and how it is the source of today’s cynicism and current ideological battles?

Secret Meanings:
Volume 2

Volume 2: what vital idea has been hidden from our education, and why without this, we’re lost in a fog of information and are crippled by endless choices?

Secret Meanings:
Volume 3

Volume 3: what dangerous idea is behind the present conviction that we live in a meaningless universe and how did the classical world cut through this illusion?

Secret Meanings:
Volume 4

Volume 4: what critical ideas did J.R.R. Tolkien hide in the best-selling work of the last century, ‘The Lord of the Rings’, and how can we use them to reclaim a shining experience of being?


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